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        Nighthawk Zapper - Bug Repeller

        The ultraviolet light in the Nighthawk works by grabbing both the visual and physical attention of bugs. They are initially attracted to certain frequencies of UV light, like the one used...

        Klean Ears - Wax Remover

          Klean Ears is a re-usable safe ear cleaning device that gently dislodges earwax while twisting debris out of ear canals instead of roughly scraping. Avoid damaging ears by pushing earwax...

        Jet Surge - Power Washer

        Introducing Jetsurge, an innovative pressure washer that harnesses the power of your everyday garden hose, transforming it into a formidable cleaning tool. This lightweight, hydrodynamic device takes regular water pressure and amplifies...

        Blaze WiFi - Dual Antenna WiFi Boosteer

        Blaze Wifi uses next-gen technology to massively boost internet speed and WiFi signals like never before, giving you blistering fast speeds across every room of your house. Next-Gen WiFi 4 Technology Enjoy lightning-fast...